Fábio Colaço

Looking at the World through the Soma effect
27 May - 2 June 2024


Apartamento a le plaisir de présenter l'exposition solo de l'artiste portugais Fábio Colaço, “Looking at the World through the Soma Effect”. S'inspirant du classique d'Aldous Huxley, "Le Meilleur des mondes", Colaço explore l'esthétique de la protestation. À travers diverses perspectives, il dévoile une série d'œuvres centrées sur les thèmes de la révolte, de la colère, de l'agression et de la destruction.

Vernissage le lundi 27 mai à partir de 18h
Exposition du 28 mai au 1 juin, visites sur RDV


Apartamento is pleased to present the solo exhibition of Portuguese artist Fábio Colaço, "Looking at the World through the Soma Effect". Drawing inspiration from Aldous Huxley’s classic, "Brave New World", Colaço explores the aesthetics of protest. Through various lenses, he unveils a series of works around themes of revolt, anger, aggression, and destruction.

Opening: Monday 27th May at 6pm
Exhibition from 28th May to 1st June, visits by appointment